Our Community:

The Sincere Spirit of The Rise of the Moors

In 2021 an unfortunate and suspicious event occurred involving an armed group purporting to represent the interests of the Moorish American. Fast-forward 3 years, after MUCH consideration by those who once supported and assisted these Moors, and with the benefit of hindsight,  and it turns out such was not the case. 

While it is not our place to judge the motivations of individuals without supporting proof, what we CAN do is our best to protect our collective interest when it becomes obvious that individual action threaten to disgrace us all for the acts of a few.

In that spirit, we are seizing on this opportunity gifted up by our Great-God Allah to turn infamy into honor.  Here is our list of sincere Moor assisting with the uplifting of fallen humanity while restoring and reminding the wider world of our once glorious past, inspiring anticipation in those wanting to witness our promising future.  Details of their industrious acts can by found by clicking on the images to visit their websites.

If you are a Moorish American community service group, please contact us for your free listing.

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